The Piñata
Welcome to an exciting exploration of the cultural icon that is the piñata! Originating from vibrant Mexican traditions, the piñata has captured the imagination of people worldwide. In this article, we delve into the history, significance, and modern-day celebrations surrounding this beloved symbol, offering insights for both newcomers and enthusiasts of Houston Spanish language learning.
The piñata is one of the most important elements in Mexican celebrations and culture. Many countries have adopted this tradition for parties and events, but without really knowing the origin or meaning of it. Even though it’s an object found at multiple festivities during the year (like birthday parties it’s in the month of December where it can be appreciated with greater notoriety. During the “Posadas” (Christmas Eve and the Christmas season) families, friends, and people from the neighborhood get together to break a paper star with sticks.
This tradition began around the year 1586, when the Augustinian friars of Acolman de Nezahualcóyotl, in what is now the State of Mexico and near the archaeological zone of Teotihuacán, received permission from Pope Sixtus V to celebrate the so-called “aguinaldo masses”. Over time it would become the “Posadas”. The main objective of these masses was evangelizing the indigenous population who were recently conquered by the Spanish. This masses follow the path traveled by the Virgin Mary and Joseph until the birth of the baby Jesus. This is why it is held a few days before Christmas. Over time, other elements were added to this celebration that represent different religious preceptions and it eventually culminated into using the “piñata”.
The piñata was originally a clay pot, with colored tissue paper to make it more colorful and to represent the pleasures of humanity. The seven peaks symbolized the deadly sins that had to be destroyed while blindfolded, hinting that faith is blind. With the help of a stick that demonstrated virtue by ending temptations, the clay pot was beaten until it broke. The fruits inside the piñata represented the riches of the kingdom of heaven. The teaching that was accompanied with this activity showed that faith and a single virtue could overcome sin and a person could receive all the rewards of heaven.
Currently, the piñata used more often is made of cardboard in stead of clay, due to the danger of being cut by the pieces of the clay pot when it breaks and falls to the ground. People will throw themselves on the ground for the sweets.
Also, they are filled with traditional fruits like tangerines, jicamas, canes, tejocotes, and oranges; along with other popular sweets children like. During this activity, each participant is given a limited amount of time to hit the piñata. The given time is the length of the song that is customarily sung at this event.
Today in Acolman, where this tradition originally began, the Piñata Fair is held the second week of December. People can go admire different models and sizes of piñatas, as well as buy them for their Christmas celebrations.
Breaking the piñata is a tradition in Mexico that has crossed borders. Whether it’s a birthday or Christmas event, this act celebrates the combination of two civilizations and the cultural heritage that Mexico shares with the world.
Immerse yourself in Mexican culture by signing up for Houston spanish language classes. Explore traditions like the piñata and deepen your understanding of their history and significance.