Mexican Slang
Do you know how to say informal expressions in Spanish? We call this “Slang”. These are terms that are used mostly when you talk with friends or close people. It is common in spoken conversation, but avoided in formal writing. People who live in small towns, cities, and countries use slang. Professionals also use technical words that can be considered as slang. Let’s take a look at some Spanish words people use in Mexico.
¡Que onda! What’s up! |
¿Neta? Really? |
¡No manches! No way! |
¡Orale! Woow! |
¡Aguas! Watch out! |
Chido Cool |
Chamba work |
Chafa Not good quality |
Lana Money |
¡Chingon! It Is really good! |
How many words do you know and can you say?